- Cloud #1:
Four instances launched with LoadTest_100.evl (100 x 1 of Test.evs) loaded and ready
to start.
cloud-a.gif —
a.gif LARGE
- Cloud #2: Zoom-in view of each instance of a single Test.evs playback.
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- Cloud #3: Mid-stream status view of LoadTest_100.evl load generation process.
Note that each machine instance reaches 100 eValid browsers, playing back Test.evs in parallel.
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b2.gif LARGE
- Cloud #4: End of LoadTest run, LoadTest Scenarior Monitor and LoadTest Chart show
the complete data collected during the run.
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- Cloud #5: Zoom-in view of the LoadTest_100.evl LoadTest Chart which shows the
relative response times of all 100 eValid instances.
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- Cloud #6: Zoom-in view of the Loadtest Monitor summary seciton showing
total number of runs completed, 100/100, along with the fastest and slowest times.
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- Cloud #7: A quick view of the Amazon Web Services EC2 Management Console that
is controlling the four machine instances,
used to create the load imposed from a total of 100 x 4 = 400 simultaneous Browser Users.
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