Your e-Business Quality Partner eValid™ -- Automated Web Quality Solution
Browser-Based, Client-Side, Functional Testing & Validation,
Load & Performance Tuning, Page Timing, Website Analysis,
and Rich Internet Application Monitoring.

Chart Descriptions
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Window > Graphs > Log Graphs > ...

All of the eValid Chart Options have some common characteristics:

Playback Chart

Window > Graphs > Graphs (Single / All Logged)

eValid Event Chart The Playback Chart is derived from the Event Log file. Use this chart to quickly analyze and understand the overall effect of a just-finished playback.

It shows one bar for each entry in the current (most recent) playback sequence only. The height of the bar is proportional to the length of time that the event.

The color of the bar tells you the status of the outcome of that event:

Performance Chart

Window > Graphs > Graphs (Single / All Logged) > Performance

eValid Event Chart The Performance Chart is derived from the Performance Log file. Use this chart to quickly analyze and understand how quickly and efficiently a sequence of one or more pages is downloaded from the server to your client browser.

The color of the bar tells you the status of the outcome of that event:

Note: You have to have the "Detailed" option selected if you want to look at the detailed download times associated with each page retrieval. If you don't have this option selected only the overall download times are shown.

Message/Error Chart

Window > Graphs > Graphs (Single / All Logged) > Message/Error

eValid Event Chart The Message-Error Chart is derived from the Message Log file. Use this chart to quickly understand if a playback produced any errors or warnings.

The color of the bar tells you the status of the outcome of that event:

Timing Chart

Window > Graphs > Graphs (Single / All Logged) > Timing

eValid Timing Chart Use this chart to quickly understand the total time for each script playback. The History Chart is derived from the Timing Log. Use this chart to compare the total running times of all playbacks appended in the log file.

The color of the bar tells you the status of the outcome of that event: