Visual Demo [Load Test 10] | Visual Demo [Load Test 25] | Visual Demo [Load Test 50] | Visual Demo [Adaptive Playback] | Visual Demo [Java Applet Recording] | Visual Demo [Quick Check] | Visual Demo [Tune] |
This page has a typical eValid "tune" script that requests one or more URL(s) and records the time it took to completely download each WebPage(s).
Start by copying the script on "this" WebPage then paste the script to another file using your favorite text editor. Finally, save the script as "script.evs". Note: You can name the "script" file anything you want as long as you attach the ".evs" to the end of the file name. Load the script into eValid using "File > Open Script". Select "Playback > Start Playback".
# # Recording by eValid # (c) Copyright 2000-2011 by Software Research, Inc. # Recording made on: Microsoft Windows 2000 # ProjectID "Project" GroupID "Group" TestID "tuning" LogID "AUTO" ScreenSize 1152 864 FontSize 1 InitLink "http://www.micron.com/" ElapsedTime ResetTimer FollowLink 0 29 "Products" "http://www.micron.com/products" "" ElapsedTime ResetTimer FollowLink 0 35 "Support" "http://www.micron.com/support" "" ElapsedTime # End of script |
Click "Playback > Start Playback" to begin the playback process. Click "Window > Logs > Event Log > View" to see the outputs of the validation activity.
Set the "Settings > Record/Play Preferences > Multiple Playbacks 'n' value" option, and run the script 10 times with "Playback > Control Playback > Run Multiple". Use the "Window > Graphs > Log Graphs > History Chart" to compare the elapsed time of each playback. The previous is a very useful test and tool because one can visualize the trends that the Web and your server regularly follow. If the download times are not desirable then one can change the html source and/or design of the page. Please click on the thumbnails to view full size images.
One can check how a single WebPage or a selected set of pages in a WebSite performs at any given time of the day. You can use this script 24/7 and compare times to get a reliable indication of how well the site is responding to typical user requests. Note: Remember that that the Web's performance fluctuates in the amount of users accessing it and the response time of requests.
This is a good test to run regularly if you want to check a site's speed and confirm that performance is as speedy as possible.