eValid's Fixed-Price PerformanceTest projects deliver high ROI on a modest budget.
No investment in tools, staff and training.
You get state-of-the-art server capacity testing
to assure end-user satisfaction.
- Handles AJAX, Web & Mobile Technologies
No matter what kind of web application,
even on mobile devices,
eValid's PerformanceTest Package
gives you answers!
- Run 1,000's of Real Browsers
eValid provides much more accurate results than solutions
that rely on "busy work" traffic.
eValid loads servers with full-fidelity real
Browser-User (BU) sessions,
1,000 of them if you want.
- Detailed Load Measurement
You can make detailed Key Performance Indicator (KPI) measurements from within
BU to characterize actual user experience —
under constant, stepped, or linearly increasing load.
For a fixed price, within a fixed time frame,
eValid's engineers will:
- Understand your web application.
- Create eValid functional tests.
- Set up measurement os KPIs in the test.
- Create the LoadTest scenario.
- Scale up to the specified maximum number
of Browser Users (BUs).
- Collect the KPI vs. load data.
- Identify your
server-side bottlenecks.
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